Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Where Is God?

I've written a lot about my adventures here in Lito--the things I've done and people I've met. But I have not written overtly about God very much. I have so much to say and I don't know how to say it in a blog, because a format like this makes things feel cheesy and canned (who likes canned cheese? No one.)

I guess the quick run-down is: God plans well. I feel like I am in the right place. I am learning not only what I came here to learn, but I am also learning many things that I didn't know I needed to learn.

Since the Canadians have arrived, I have been praying with them and Angie multiple times a day. I am so glad that they treat prayer as a matter-of-fact occurrence that will unquestionably happen during the day, like water breaks. I need prayer to become second nature.

Today I prayed more than I have in a long time. I am glad that I wrote much of it down, because revelations during prayer can be like 'strokes of genius' that are inspired when they occur to you, but are completely forgotten later.

I don't need to catalogue my every revelation here. The important point is that God really is present, every moment, waiting to be let in. I wish I realized this more often.


  1. Hi Kendall! We love reading your blog and seeing your pics. It really is great. 'just wanting to let you know people are following your blog. It's too bad you can't teach creative writing while you're there cuz you are so fun to read. Otis says hi. The weather here was a breath-taking 85 today -- just gorgeously God-sent wearher. Keep smiling and praying!

  2. PS from The K's in C'field.
